Health and Safety in Our Schools

COVID-19 Guidance Charts

We recognize that families need clear information to help them make decisions related to COVID-19. While you can read about our policies in detail below, you can also refer to the following flowcharts that outline the steps you should take if your child feels sick, was exposed to COVID-19, or tested positive for COVID-19.

Translated versions will be made available during the week of January 31.

ENGLISH - COVID-19 Guidance for Families (Grades K–12)

SPANISH - Guía para las familias sobre COVID-19 (kínder a 12.o grado)

CHINESE - 關於新冠病毒(COVID-19)的家庭指引(幼稚園至12年級

Shortened Isolation and Quarantine Periods

We know how important it is to keep our schools and classrooms open for learning, and we have done everything we can to make sure our classrooms are equipped to be safe learning environments. In light of recent changes by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and New York State Department of Health, the Department of Education will implement shortened isolation and quarantine periods starting January 31.


COVID-19 Testing for Students

School-based Testing

The City’s routine COVID-19 random surveillance testing provides COVID-19 testing in school buildings to students who have opted into the program by submitting consent. Routine testing provides the community with an accurate representation of the prevalence of COVID-19 and helps schools stay safe.

Beginning February 7, the in-school testing program will expand to test the number of students at each school that is equivalent to either 20% of the unvaccinated student population or 10% of student enrollment of grades 1-12 (up to a maximum of 250 students), whichever is higher. Testing will include both consented vaccinated and consented unvaccinated students.

  • Families with students in first grade and up can choose to participate in the program by completing the online form in their NYC Schools Account (Open external link) or returning a signed paper form to school.





School Food


testing dates

Health Screening